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Temple of the Universe was originally founded and built by Simon Varrall in 2017, who had an inspired vision of a temple built specifically for plant medicine and holistic healing work.  The temple is lovingly kept by Simon and his partner Yvette and many community members who willingly give their love to the space and the work that is done in the space.


Simon is a visionary, a healer, a medicine man, father, brother,  a builder, a steward of Mother Earth.  He holds a grounded energy that intern holds all those seeking healing.  He is a medicine man, who gets inspired by tinctures, tonics and potions from Mother natures gifts. Not only is he a father of the temple and a brother to those who visits it, but also a father of 2 beautiful sons.  Simon is a builder at heart, bricks and mortar is his paintbrush and paint the land his canvas.  His visions for this community and healing of humanity is vast and he is a master manifester.  His vision to create a New Earth community where, healing, living, working, education and building is all for the betterment of all living beings on this planet is inspiring.  


Yvette is a visionary, artist, teacher, healer, mother, sister and steward of this magnificent planet Earth.  Her effervescent fire gives warmth to those who are cold, burn away that which does not serve and light the way for those who are lost.  Grounded in her vision is to build a conscious community  who has the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual understanding to lead humanity to a New Earth. Her purpose is to pioneer and facilitate the changes humanity is going through, to hold space for for those transforming themselves to be even better versions of themselves.  Her mission is to help guide humanity to live from the heart as the heart is connected to Source and will guide us towards our true purpose and remind us why we chose to physically manifest on this beautiful planet. 


The space is ever growing and morphing into a home for many who visit the Temple on a regular basis.  

We strive to build an enlightened community of people.  People who are stewards of our Divine Mother, Earth, a community who is conscious, who are actively building and supporting the vision of a new Earth.  Our community lovingly support each other in our heartfelt purpose of healing and growth of ourselves and those around us.  


Facilitating transformation 

We facilitate a healthy, wholesome and safe space for ordinary people to safely shed the coding that we have been programmed to believe is ours but in reality is constructs created by our ancestors, society, our own traumas and life experiences that do not serve our transformation and ascension to higher dimensions of existence.  We source the best facilitators, healers, medicine men and woman, way-showers and .... who is able to guide us safely through this transformation.  We are the stewards of change, we were chosen to be on this planet at this time to assist and guide humanity towards change.  By changing ourselves, we lead by example to show a way towards a better existence for all life forms on this planet. 

Our Family

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

This is our Team. It is our mission to find only the best facilitators, who are compassionate, loving and caring towards all who visits the Temple. 

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